ready to use mruby

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New comprehensive mruby handbook now on sale.


Using mruby with Ruby and C

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam at ipsum eu nunc commodo posuere et sit amet ligula.

developer activity

Objects, Classes, Numbers, Strings, and so on

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam at ipsum eu nunc commodo posuere et sit amet ligula.


Chapter 1

Building mruby
  • Preparation
  • Compiling mruby

Chapter 2

Hello, World!
  • Displaying "Hello World"
  • Understanding the source code

Chapter 3

mruby Objects (mrb_value Structure)
  • mrb_value Structure
  • Relationship between C in mruby and Ruby

Chapter 4

  • Converting C numbers into mruby numbers
  • Operation of Numbers
  • Converting mruby numbers into C numbers
  • Converting Float and Integer
  • Converting Numbers into Strings

Chapter 5

Strings and Symbols
  • Converting a C String into an mruby String Object
  • Converting mruby String Objects into C Character Strings
  • Creating mruby Symbol from C Character Strings
  • Creating C Character Strings from mruby Symbol

Chapter 6

Object Internals (RVALUE Structure)
  • mrb_value and RVALUE structure
  • Checking if a Structure is Used

Chapter 7

  • Creating Array
  • Initializing an Array with Initial Values
  • Accessing Arrays from C

Chapter 8

  • Creating a Hash
  • Referencing Hash Values

Chapter 9

Calling Ruby from C
  • Calling Ruby Methods
  • Executing Ruby Code

Chapter 10

Classes and Modules
  • Defining Classes and Modules
  • Nested Classes and Modules
  • Including Modules
  • Class Definitions and mrbgems

Chapter 11

  • Defining Class Methods
  • Defining Instance Methods
  • Blocks

Chapter 12

  • Creating Instances
  • Checking Values
  • Copying Objects
  • Obtaining Class Names and Entities from Objects
  • Converting Arbitrary Objects into String
  • Comparing Objects
  • Interconverting RVALUE and mrb_value

Chapter 13

Constants and Variables
  • Constants
  • Instance Variables
  • Local Variables
  • Global Variables and Class Variables

Chapter 14

  • Enabling Exception Handling from C
  • Checking for Exceptions
  • Raising an Exception
  • Handling Exceptions

Chapter 15

Memory Management and GC
  • Memory Management and GC in mruby
  • APIs for Memory Management
  • Memory Management of RVALUE Structure
  • Executing and Stopping GC
  • GC Arena

Chapter 16

mrbgems and Build System
  • About mrbgems
  • Structure of mrbgems
  • Building mrbgems

Chapter 17

Creating mrbgems
  • File Structure
  • mrbgem.rake
  • Creating hello.c File
  • Creating the Content of Initialization
  • Build and Execution

Chapter 18

Data Between Ruby and C
  • Managing Data as Instance Variables
  • Managing Data with RData


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